Nervous System Reset | Tuning Fork Set

Reset your entire nervous system - in less than 30 seconds

 Scientifically proven, tuning forks work for everyone, as it's working on a physical level with your body. These two sound frequencies work together in sending signals throughout your entire nervous system; that it's time to relax. Thus, turning off your body's stress mode, and turning on your body's natural relaxation response.

The sound waves travel through your vagus nerve, stimulating and resetting your whole-body nervous system, whilst at the same time, syncing your left and right brain back into harmony.

What do these tuning forks do for you?

  • Resets your entire nervous system in less than 30-60 seconds

  • Calm feelings of stress instantly

  • Turns off the body's stress response / fight or flight system (sympathetic nervous system)

  • Activates your body's relaxation, rest and digest system (parasympathetic nervous system)

  • Reduces your cortisol levels, stress levels and you can feel your body relaxing instantly

  • Regulates your emotions, calms racing thoughts

  • Calms feelings of being overstimulated

  • Incredible results for everyone, and especially for anyone who identifies being a highly sensitive person, empath, neurodivergent, on the spectrum, safe for all adults and children.


  • 2 x Weighted Tuning Forks

  • Attuned to the frequency of 256hz and 384hz

  • Includes Mallet Activator

  • Black Velvet Pouch for Safe Keeping

Shipping Information:

  • Delivery is approximately 2-3 weeks

  • FREE shipping included

Tuning Fork Training: 

  • If you'd like to learn more about tuning forks, frequencies, sound healing techniques that are simple, effective, and have you feeling lighter, let us know! Our Sound Heals Certification course teaches you practical tools for you to find calm, inner-peace, sleep better, regulate emotions, reduce pain, connect with source/spirit, and genuinely feel better every single day. We teach you how to use these techniques for yourself, for loved ones, and for your clients. 

$129.00 AUD