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Awaken Your Purpose, Raise Your Vibration! 

Become a Certified Sound Practitioner Today!

Students Certified

Lives Impacted
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Facilitate WOW Sound Experiences

for your clients

Imagine being able to wrap your clients in a cosy blanket of sound, helping them heal in a way they’ve never experienced before.

Our Sound Heals course gives you everything you need in becoming the amazing sound practitioner you dream of being. You'll walk away with the knowledge and skills to confidently facilitate 1on1 sound healings and group sound baths. Sound healing is a powerful modality that will WOW your clients every time and have them re-book with you effortlessly.

Imagine knowing how to bring these dream-like spaces to life, serve your clients on a deeper level, expand into group offerings and grow your clients, income and confidence. This is so much more than a sound healing course, you will be living your true purpose, and sharing your gifts with the world. There's a reason you're here.

Sound is a modality that calls you in. It's time to follow your intuition and take the next step today.

Become Certified Sound Facilitator Here

It's Time to Expand Your Skills and Help More People

Accredited Certification Course

Enroll Here

Practitioner Certification Course

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Self Paced Mini Course

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Crystal Singing Bowl Sets


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Reset Your Nervous System. 
Explore Here👇

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Facilitate Wellbeing Events, just like these, with your own unique skills and new-found confidence!


Over 200+ Happy Students

Sharon H.

Certified Sound Practitioner
Soul Blessings Founder

"What an amazing Sound Heals journey with the Holistic Wellness Academy. I felt fully supported throughout the training and the zoom sessions were a wonderful place where I felt welcomed and made to feel as part of a greater community of like minded people. Thank you"

Kylie B.

Certified Sound Practitioner
NLP Coach, Quantum Healer

"Thank you! This was by far the best course I have ever done. I am so excited to really fully embrace and embody it all. I felt the healing playing the bowls, it was like a coming home and reconnecting back to self. I know this is going to be so powerful for myself and others I share it with. SO much love and gratitude🙏"

Sally O.

Certified Sound Practitioner
Reiki practitioner

"Just completed the sound healing course and it is well worth the investment. Kirsty is there for you throughout the whole course and is so responsive to everyone's queries and experiences. She goes in to great depth if you have a question and will contact you for check ins and advice. Thanks again!"

Cassie M.

Certified Sound Practitioner
NLP Coach

"I absolutely enjoyed this course.. the content, the assistance and support were by far exceptional for an online course"

Phill H.

Certified Sound Practitioner
Intuitive Tarot Card Reader

"Fantastic course to get you inspired by and start your journey. Beautiful shares and lessons with varied modalities to engage all kind of Learners. If you are looking for a solid foundational!!! Don't wait...take the dive today!"

Erin C.

Certified Sound Practitioner

"I absolutely loved this course and yourself! I enjoyed every second and really appreciated talking with someone like yourself who made me feel welcome and supported. You truly are a gift ❤️"

Our Mission

Raising your vibration and helping you create a life of deeper meaning and purpose. 

We love seeing Mum's support their family with flexible working hours, be there for their kids and achieve work/life balance. 

We love helping Women transition out of their corporate job into a more soulful and rewarding career that makes a real difference to others. 

We love helping you overcome liming beliefs so you can make money doing what you love and manifesting a life of freedom and abundance! 

About Our Space

Holistic Wellness Academy is a safe haven for you to enjoy learning, remember who you really are and to follow the whispers of your heart and soul. To love yourself deeply, and to share these healing tools with your clients.

About Our Founder

Kirsty Mason, Mum of 3, has over 10+ years experience as a facilitator, life coach, holistic practitioner and marketing mentor.

Through her healing retreats, trainings, courses, day retreats and workshops, Kirsty has helped thousands of Women heal, feel more self confidence, purpose and reconnect with what matters most.

Kirsty is the soulful creator of Holistic Wellness Academy, pouring her wisdom into her work and supporting countless individuals on their journey to deeper fulfilment.

Her work aims to help those who are feeling lost, stuck, searching for more, find the sanctuary of their soul, whilst continuing to raise the vibration of humanity. Kirsty lovingly and passionately guides you back to your innate wisdom that; you are your own source of healing.

Above all, Kirsty has walked the path herself.

From leaving her cushiony-corporate job in IT to follow her heart, to creating a successful business  in wellness, serving many...

to her greatest achievement yet...

Overcoming anxiety and depression, healing her mind and body naturally. Combining her life experiences, practical tools along with her inner power and confidence, Kirsty leads the way for others who seek a similar path of freedom, flexibility, passion and service. 

Her personal transformation brings a heartfelt understanding and compassion to the challenges her clients may face in their own journey.

With Kirsty's guiding hand, you will find yourself on a path to soul alignment and personal transformation. Embracing the joy, inner peace, and fulfillment that you've long awaited. It's YOUR turn now.